Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adjacent Farm Dry Enough for Spring Tillage 4-18-10

Early morning reflection of my building site looking from the trash skimmers viewpoint. Thousands of gulls have stoped by for the past week or so to rest before heading north on their migration.

East Berm on Basin A - Big- Massive - Dry

Water managed and controlled within the confinement of the basin.

4-18-2010 - At 1:30 Mr. John Resch begins incorperating chemical on adjacent field. Yesterday, he tested the field. Today the field is fit enough to begin spring tillage. In this photo, he is field cultivating next to the county's observation pipe and the 6" hickenbottom.

I looked from horizon to horizon with binoculars and only saw one other tractor in the field. I think Wederbrands were leveling off a corn field.

In this photo, you can see Mr Resch spraying herbicide in front of the field cultivator at the north end of my silt fence.

In this photo, Mr. Resch is incorporating right by the 8" hickenbottom.

In this photo, you can see that the water from Basin A or Duck Pond is safely flowing freely into the county tile access point with 1" of water above the outlet structure. The flow rate at the county's observation pipe was 4.5 inches in a 10 inch tile.

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